Nepal-National Multi-Tier Framework Energy Access Household Energy Survey
Year: Current-Ongoing
Location: Nepal
Client: The World Bank
The Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) – World Bank, in consultation with multiple development partners has developed the Multi-tier Framework (MTF) for 15 countries including Nepal to monitor and evaluate energy by following a multidimensional approach. As a starting point, ESMAP-World Bank, in collaboration with SE4ALL, will carry out household surveys in these 15 countries to establish each country’s baseline towards measuring progress towards the universal energy access goals. Moreover, the survey in Nepal, will also focus on conducting Enterprise surveys to examine the impact of increased hours of electricity supply and reliability on manufacturing firms in terms of productivity, profitability, and competitiveness on the world market. Further, the final component of the MTF survey would be to conduct an assessment of the current technical, financial, and economical status of mini/micro-grid operation in Nepal. The MTF survey will be spread across around 6,300 households, 800 business establishment and 400-500 mini/micro grid operators across Nepal.